
Assessment of learners and learning is a continuous process in the academic year. It is an integral part of our planning, evaluating, recording, and reporting cycle and uses a range of techniques – both formal and informal, Formative and Summative. Multiple measures for assessing students’ achievement are used to arrive at a more accurate decision about a student’s grade. The assessment scheme is designed to measure the achievement of all students in a consistent and comparable manner. Grades 5 –10 operate on a two-term pattern while grades 11 – 12 operate on a trimester pattern. Each term ends in formal, term-end Summative Assessment.

In accordance with CBSE guidelines, the components of assessment for grades 5 to 10 are a mix of Multiple Assessments, Subject Enrichment: e-Portfolio and Periodic Tests. As visualized by the CBSE, Grades 9 and 11 are preparatory to grades 10 and 12 and work on the same lines. Grades 10 and 12 are well prepared for the public exam by a series of mock /rehearsal exams.

Grades 5-10:

The assessment for the students in the academic year is a continuous process, involving a range of techniques, both formal and informal, that provides information student achievements. It is an integral part of our planning, evaluating, recording and reporting cycle. To arrive at a more accurate decision about a student’s grade, multiple measures for assessing students’ achievement are used. This comprises of:

Multiple Assessments (M.A):

They are strategies used for ‘Assessment for Learning’. E.g., Quizzes, mind map, exit cards, MCQs, concept map, visual expression, poster making activities, mental math etc. MAs are conducted and assessed using well defined rubrics.

Subject Enrichment (S.E):

They are aimed at enriching the understanding and skill development in the respective subjects. The activities provide opportunities to take an in-depth look at a concept/topic, approaching it with a different perspective, or connecting the subject to a facet of the real world. Eg- Math & Science- Practical based assessment; Languages-ASL; Social Science-Projects


It is a purposeful collection of sample student work, and demonstrations that showcase student’s learning progression, achievement, and evidence in key areas of learning. The collection can include assignments, tasks and reports of various activities undertaken by the students. The E-portfolio serves as a ready reckoner for all the stake holders to get a quick grasp of the learning process.

Periodic Tests are a part of term- wise pen and paper assessments conducted to monitor the progress of learning in each term.

Annual Examinations:

They are conducted at the end of the academic year to evaluate student’s learning, and academic achievement.

Promotion to grade 10 is decided on the basis of the Yearly Performance. As per CBSE norms, the pass mark in all subjects is 33%.
If a student fails in ONE/TWO subjects he/she shall have a RETEST and must pass the retest to be promoted to the next grade. If the student fails the RETEST he/she shall be DETAINED and will repeat the year in grade 9.

Model Examinations:
Grade 10

They are conducted to prepare the students to face the final board exam with confidence and ultimately enable students to score well. The outcome also enables teachers to provide remedial support and enrichment modules.

Board Examinations

Grade 10

Grades 11 & 12:

The assessments for the students in the academic year have been spread over 3 terms. The assessment process involves a range of techniques, both formal and informal. The plan comprises of

Unit Tests:

Unit Tests are conducted to measure students’ knowledge and achievement. The tests are held periodically to assess learning. This helps to make instruction a dynamic process through continuous evaluation and regular feedback.

Term End Examinations:

(First Term, Half Yearly Exam, Annual Exam(Gr 11)) evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period. The assessments determine whether and to what degree students have learned the material they have been taught. The evaluative assessments are conducted at the end of each of the three terms.

For the Promotion from Grade 11 to Grade 12:
Pass mark: 33% in theory (written exam) and 33% in practical/projects* separately in each of the five core subjects.
For Islamic studies, pass mark is 50%.
To get promoted the student must pass in all the subjects offered.
Failing in two or more subjects in the yearly performance, the student will be detained.
He/she may be permitted to repeat grade 11 for another year.
Failing in one subject, the student must appear for the retest. Upon clearing the retest he/she is promoted. If the student fails in retest, he/ she will be detained.
*Subjects with practical or project components.

Grade 12:

Model Exam-1:

is conducted soon after competition of the entire syllabus. The results of the exam enable teachers  to plan remedial support and enrichment classes.

Model Exam-2:

is conducted closer to the board to build confidence and readiness.





Board Examinations